
The e-learning component offers four courses that have been designed and developed on the basis of the first two results of the project, namely, the tripartite data-driven review of interculturality and language education and the online study program, a six-week three-module online intensive summer school for a select group of early career researchers (ECRs) involved in language educationThe lesson videos in each course have been produced from the summer school classes and edited for the purposes of this platform.

Interactive E-portfolios

Once participants are enrolled in a course, they will go through a set of tasks preceding and following the lessons which will allow them to create their own e-portfolios and share them with the other members.

Networking and Discussion

The networking component offers Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which aim to provide the opportunity for researchers and related professionals to connect with members with common and continuing interests and advance their focused area of work. There is also an opportunity for members to create their own research groups so that they communicate and share experiences in smaller communities.

Researcher’s Handbook

The Researcher’s Handbook comprises three components: the conceptual/theoretical landscape of interculturality in language education, the methodological landscape of researching interculturality and/in language education, and the user manual for self-directed e-learningThe handbook can be accessed here.

EUREDIE BookTripartite data-driven review of the field

This book presents a review of the knowledge domain of interculturality with emphasis on the major lines of theoretical and methodological thinking of interculturality, an exploration of the diverse meanings of interculturality as perceived by ECRs and their research-related needs. Divided into three main parts, it provides a thorough insight into the evolving landscape of interculturality in language education between the years 2021-2022 and the various ways in which ECRs position themselves in addressing and engaging with it in their research, all drawn from hard evidence. The book can be accessed here.


If you are an early career researcher, we kindly invite you to participate in the survey that aims to investigate (1) ECRsperceptions of interculturality in language education at a variety of levels ranging from the personal and institutional to the national and global levels and (2) ECRsneeds to be able to design and carry out research studies that are sensitive and responsive to the underlying interculturality. The survey can be accessed here.